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Friday, June 6, 2008

I'm at the NCMR!

Hi everyone! I'm writing from the National Conference for Media Reform in Minneapolis. Everyone here has goals of shaping a free, tolerant society with open communication; this is the kind of world I want to help create for girls and women. The girls that I'm lucky enough to work with at New Moon have the passion and energy to change things that frustrate them, and I hope that vigor never gets kicked out of them. When girls continue to speak out as they turn into women, it's much more likely that they will be future leaders in many industries as well as government.

After listening to panels all day, I have a bit of information overload but my overall feeling is of inspiration. Many experts feel that we're at a cross-roads of change, and that calls for media reform and social change are stronger than they've been in a long time.

Also really important to me is the emphasis on collaboration I've been hearing. Events like this conference make the possibilities of the change that can happen with collaboration seem within reach. There are so many passionate, hard-working people here, gathered together to meet each other and work together. It's easy to become embittered or cynical when working alone, but remembering that each of us here today (and many others who aren't!) are out there, contributing to improving life on this planet, refreshes me and helps me keep going. (As always in that vein, contact me if you want to collaborate or guest blog!)

For now, I'm off to the art opening for Project Girl, a really exciting project where girls respond to negative media images with their own art and media pieces.

More later!

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